The One

HarVeePromotions, LLC

The One

If we accept the premise that from all the others, there must finally be only one, how do we put forth our effort to be chosen as THE ONE? I see many different factions in our society, different religious beliefs, and different ideas regarding accumulating possessions, race relations and the sovereignty of geography. At all levels of our interaction, I see one viewpoint pitted against another. One day we must resolve these differences and come to a consensus that we all can use as a beginning.

As people began to comprehend this message: They must decide how strong their own beliefs and philosophy really are. What would you be willing to give up?

Everyone must be willing to look at their position, even if they want to be the winner (or The One). You must be willing to look at the basics, the things that we all have in common, the common points in our various outlooks on life, our religions, our needs and be willing to start there. We must realize that we are not losing, but everyone is winning. What would you personally be willing to give or re-think so that you do not lose but everyone WINS?

God has placed this message on my heart. To explain the next step in his reconciling mankind back to himself.

Humble Yourself to The Greatness Around. Look At The Doors He Closed. See The Doors That My GOD Is Opening. Be A Parent so Our Children Can Just Follow Our Lead.