Computer Revolution

HarVeePromotions, LLC

Computer Revolution:

The computer revolution started in the offices. Interest for others developed through games. Companies earned large profits from these; therefore they concentrated on more games.

Meanwhile, in offices, the need for more users of real Computers caused companies to offer training so they could remain competitive, but they couldn't keep up. The training was too expensive. Training centers and schools began offering training in programming, in operating various software and in computer maintenance. They completely revolutionized job and career opportunities. People with insight and the affluent kept up with new changes. Others kept buying video/computer games and are missing out on this revolution- they never get the chance to interact with the real technology. Many of these games are supposed to be educational.

The computer has become the most important tool of our time. Those of us who have kept up with these changes owe it to our communities to assist in making this technology available to all.

We feed the hungry people around the world. These people also need the benefit of modern technology. They need decent housing with electricity. How can we expect the people we feed to eventually support themselves without the availability of the tools of modern education?

If we can understand the problem on a global scale, we can better understand how we can begin doing something at home. It's not enough to say: "I got mine". We must be willing to share and help others get this training.

Some facts

There is a great and growing market for video computer games. They were supposed to introduce the general public to the technology of the future. Adults and youth are spending large amounts of money for these toys. They are also spending large amounts of time playing them. (Most youth spend more time playing video games per week than they do on any kind of studying- that is homework, writing, practicing a talent). No usable trades or skills are being taught or learned during that time.

Educational needs:

The schools are inadequate to meet the need, and no bond issues are passing. They are trying to modernize but are suffering now and not getting needed help. Without the tools and instructors, the school systems will never be able to keep up with our needs. Our young people especially are falling further behind. This is time lost that we as a community cannot allow to continue.

What can we do?

Offer awareness of technology trends to show what is happening and to show the consequences.

We can offer positive alternatives. Use our collective talents to help revise the trends.

We can educate our community. Develop ways to help our community take advantage of our resources.


Organize a group of volunteers who have computer skills and knowledge. We can offer hands-on computer instruction. We need members who are willing to devote time on a regular scheduled basis to help others learn and practice new software programs geared towards job opportunities or job promotions.

We can offer help at the beginner's level:

ABC's of computer use.

How to logon and off, load software and understand the layout of your computer screen. Familiarize people with shortcuts, pitfalls, viruses, creating and naming files. Using the Internet in areas such as research, fun, E-mail and Web pages.

There are certain things we need.

We need the approval and the support of our communities.

We need a time and place to meet.

We need to appeal to those who need our services through all media that's available.

We need Computers and software.

We need your involvement.

Let this be our slogan:

People want to learn.

Where can they turn.

People want to know.

Where can they go.

People want to improve.

Who can show them?

People want to be educated.

What does that take?

We are seeking answers.

Will you help?

Anyone interested in volunteering?


Willie Harvey at 425-204-9212 or

E-mail at

You are encouraged to start a group in your church, social group, lodge, ethnic group, or business. Feel free to take these suggestions and develop Your own computer outreach and assistance program. Please contact us for assistance.