
HarVeePromotions, LLC

General Announcement:

Today, I would like to introduce a new Philosophy. I will point out some of the sign posts and share with you some of the things that prepared me to finally accept what has been put in my heart to share with the world.

It's been centuries since someone devoted time to man's reason for being: How man should relate to each other and what we can expect will become of us all. When I finish, I hope you will be stimulated to look into it and come to some conclusions of your own.

Consider, for a moment, the implications of all the people on earth working toward the same goals. Having the same morals and in harmony with the big picture.

Imagine a world where wars are not needed. A world free from hunger where everyone has at least the necessities. A world where everyone has a sense of and a feeling of belonging.

My life's mission is to share an inspired look at man's humble beginning. To point out some milestones and signposts. I see where man has developed and where he went astray. My mind has been given special insight to divine plans for mankind. I have been shown a way for man to finally reach the goal set for him from the beginning.

Will this be validated? Will you accept this truth and work toward our ultimate destiny?

There was a time when men of great stature would sit around and THINK. They would contemplate from whence we came. A poem that I wrote 30 years ago expresses this. (See poems). They tried to make sense of the birth and life of man. They tried to give purpose to man's life. These men became the pillars of our society. They theorized and formulated our reasons for being. They explained how the universe was created.

Since then, only a handful of men and women have dared to look at new possibilities. They dare to be the real thinkers and philosophers. Some exciting glimpses have been Gandhi with his philosophy of passivism. Dr. Martin L. King's refinement of it to non-violent resistance.

For hundreds of years, man has been content to accept a handful of major philosophies. We have concentrated on ways to exist within each of them, at the same time allowing the others to exist also. We try to live and let live.

It seems to me that as long as there are two or more of these, there will always be a rivalry or competitiveness in ways to live, why we exist and the overall purpose of things.

Could I be the next in a long line of philosophers? In time this question will find it's own 'answer'.

There are events in my life that at the time meant little more than humor to me. Now recalling as many as possible, I can see direction growing out of many years of molding.

To make a long story short, I recently had a revelation. Something came over my mind and thoughts formulated that I couldn't forget. I realized when I have those ideas I must quickly write them down or I will not remember them. As I make these notes I reflect back on the many times I have had these experiences and said I would remember them. But an hour later I had fond memories of some thought pattern that I couldn't remember.

I remember my experience of being struck by lightning (or rather lightning striking all around me and not striking me). I remember the advice the doctor gave when I developed ulcers in high school: "Leave home and learn to laugh out loud". I remember playing poker with the boys on Fridays and realizing that I made as much money as all of them put together. I remember not paying taxes and how that affected everything I tried to do. It kept me from pursuing what I really aspired to do. Those skeletons in the closet. I remember living on the edge and letting everyone think otherwise. I remember being at a party in LA. During the conversation, we were discussing the state of affairs. As I was talking, a man in the gathering just burst out "I believe you. I like that. Just tell me what to do and I'm with you". I remember how scared I got at the thought of that kind of power. I remember shopping at the Everett Mall and stopping to rest. A lady sat down and we began to pass the time. We talked about kids, choices, education etc. She asked if I would be willing to come to her kid's school and talk at an assembly. I remember working in Japan and feeling all-alone. But being treated as visiting royalty when my wife and I went sightseeing and traveled in Japan. I remember being used by a friend. I remember my feelings of family and how much they failed me. I remember when I first gave serious thought about death and came to grips with my eventual end. When I really considered my religion and began to go to bible study.

The realization that knowing God's purpose in marriage could have saved me lots of pain and sorrow. This knowledge could have kept me married to the first Mrs. Harvey.

The more I leveled with myself the clearer I could see how arrogant I was toward others. To realize the truth doesn't keep one from suffering the consequences. My life took a drastic turn for the worse.

I remember being unemployed for two years and how little money it took to live a good life. My thoughts sustained me. Being down didn't worry me, I understood what I was going through but sure wished it would soon be over.

The most humbling experience was going to LA to be with my father as he went through radiation therapy for six months. ( a story in itself).

I have had lots of time to think. The thoughts just won't go away. After discussing it with some close friends, I know that I must pursue this course of action.

I believe God really speaks to us. To hear him we must just be quiet enough to hear, and then obey. The more I pursue this I realize that not my will but thy will oh Lord be done.

A good friend offered this advice: "I truly feel this is a calling which you seem to be afraid of. You need to fast and pray. The answers you seek will be revealed to you." I feel this is what the Lord has put me here to say (Thanks Evone).

Thoughts of man's existence and our reasons for existence have haunted me as long as I can remember. At the age of twenty, I wrote down my thoughts (Let's go out, way out, etc. read my poems). Since then I have had only a few such thoughts. I regret not taking time to write all of them down. My beliefs about family caused me to write, "Be A Parent".

It has been said "If you call a deceased person's name, you keep the person alive for ever." To all the people of the past I look forward to seeing you and learning your names. Until then I dedicate "Heaven" to you.

I believe in God and take my direction from Him, for I know what's behind door number two.

Man truly is the product of God's mind. A product that's still under construction.

God made man and blew the breath of Life in him. He created man with a Soul. Man will be born and die in the flesh but the Soul will live forever. The one thing man will never be able to do is create a Soul. Beyond that, well, the product is still under construction.

To those of you that express a fear of technology, who are afraid of computers, I say that's good. No matter how simple we like to think it is to operate computers, they can be challenging even to those who know them well.

Today my computer crashed due to a computer virus. Now I can't get Windows 98 to boot up. I've been working in Safe Mode but can't figure out what is wrong. Even I need help sometimes. I'm really happy to have a friend in Pat Henry who built my computer and promises to give me all the help I need learning to use the software.